Silvia Guslandi
Office Hours: M 10:20-11:20 & by appt.
Cohort Year: 2012
Advisor(s): Jennifer Scappettone
Subject Area: Italian Studies

Silvia joined the RLL Ph.D program at University of Chicago in 2012. Her interests include 19th and 20th century Italian literature, American and Comparative literature, Literary Theory and Linguistics. She plans to focus in particular on translation as bridge between cultures and literatures and as means by which authors have technically and thematically enriched their literary traditions. Silvia holds a BA in Italian Literature and an MA in Modern and Contemporary Italian literature, both from the University of Milan, Italy.

Research interests: 19th- and 20th-century Italian literature, American and Comparative literature, Translation, Literary Theory and Linguistics

Dissertation: Belonging to the Threshold. Appartenenza and sradicamento in early 20th-Century “Italian” literature

Recent Courses in RLL
  • ITAL 10300 Beginning Elementary Italian III (Spring 2020)
  • ITAL 20400 Corzo di perfezionamento (Autumn 2019)
  • ITAL 23217 Challenges of Translation: Italian Poetry and Prose (Spring 2018)