Mario Santana

Associate Professor of Spanish Literature and the Center for Latin American Studies; Deputy Dean of Humanities
Wieboldt 217
Office Hours: W 11:00-12:30 & by appt.
PhD, Columbia University, 1994

Professor Santana's scholarly work concentrates on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Spanish and Catalan literatures, and twentieth-century Latin American literature, with particular emphasis on narrative and film. He is also strongly interested in literary historiography, literary theory (hermeneutics and reception, narratology, systemic and institutional approaches to literature), and cultural studies. A native of Spain (Canary Islands), he has graduate degrees in Philosophy (University of Barcelona) and Literature (Columbia University). He is the author of Foreigners in the Homeland: The Spanish American New Novel in Spain, 1962-1974 (Bucknell UP, 2000).

Awards, Honors, and Professional Experience
  • Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Chicago, 2002
  • Chicago Humanities Institute Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1996
Recent Courses in RLL
  • BASQ/CATA/SPAN 29220/39220 Espacio y memoria en el cine español (Autumn 2017, Winter 2020)
  • BASQ/CATA/SPAN 33370 Fronteras de la ficción en la literatura ibérica contemporánea (Winter 2019)
  • CATA/SPAN 26555/36555 Self-determination and Democracy in Spain: The Case of Catalonia (Autumn 2018)
  • CATA/SPAN 33920 Lengua, cultura y ciudadanía en la España contemporánea (Winter 2018)
  • SPAN 21500 Introducción al análisis literario (Autumn 2017, Spring 2020)
Affiliated Departments and Centers: Center for Latin American Studies