Amine Bouhayat

Cohort Year: 2016
Advisor(s): Larry Norman

After graduating from high school in Morocco, Amine completed the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in a "Classe préparatoire littéraire" at the Lycée Paul Valéry, in Paris. After that, he earned a master's at La Sorbonne University. His first master's thesis was titled "Diplomatie des conflits dans les tragédies de Racine: stratégies d'évitement et fatalité de la noise." His second was called "Impérialisme romain et mouvements de résistance dans le théâtre de Pierre Corneille". He is interested in the issues of international affairs, war, and negotiations of peace in neo-classical XVIIth century theater, how they can inform the dramatic practice of a playwright, and what they can tell us about playwrights' ideas on politics or history, and more generally, human behaviours. 

Dissertation: Les Relations internationales dans la tragédie française d'Ancien Régime : Archéologie de l'impérialisme (Corneille, Racine, Voltaire)

Recent Courses in RLL
  • FREN 20100 French Language, History, and Culture I (Autumn 2018)
  • FREN 20200 French Language, History, and Culture II (Winter 2019)